Sunday, October 1, 2006

How far would you go for a Snicker's Bar?

How far would you go for a Snicker’s bar? How about 2.78 miles? That’s how long it would take an average adult to walk off the calories in one full sized candy bar. How about a King Size Milky Way? Get on your walking shoes, leave our front doors, go south to City Hall Park. Throw in one Hershey’s kiss and that will take you to Battery Park. That’s a long haul for a bit of chocolate. Thinking about bite sized candy? The miniature Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups will cost you 1/3 mile for each one. Grabbing a handful of Hershey’s kisses from the bowl? Try a ¼ mile for each kiss and lace up!

Tip: Before unwrapping that Halloween treat, put your running shoes on first, and then see if you still want it.

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